The Continuum: Observatory of Climate Crisis
and its Artistic and Creative Solutions
Project Summary:
CONTINUUM is an international and long-term visionary research project in art, design, new
technologies, and science that offers a kind of observatory for our pandemic, climate, and war crises.
It will create a new space of thought, a melting pot of reflections and associations, bringing
together different disciplines and lines of research.
The aim is to bring together talented people from different backgrounds, thinkers, philosophers,
scientists, designers, artists, mobilized by the current critical situation, and to provoke a global and
transdisciplinary brainstorming on the central questions of the paradigm of the Anthropocene, based
on uncertainty and growing complexity, which should lead not only to a critique of the negative
aspects of the unprecedented human impact on nature and our planet, but also to the proposal of
new methods for non-invasively transforming nature and learning how to live in the near future. The
main goal is to host a global CONTINUUM Summit as well as other more thematic conferences to
create a participatory space for critical thinking and exploration of new mutations in art/science and
new technologies, climate change, and social inclusion, and to discuss new ideas on how to
transform our world and lifestyles for resilience, climate neutrality, and adaptation through new
innovative ideas emerging from the hybridization of art, technology, and science.
Another important objective is to create a permanent European Observatory (CONTINUUM
Observatory) to monitor and analyze the impact of the climate crisis on culture and society, and to
promote the use of art, science, and creativity as a means to address this global challenge. The
Continuum Observatory will be a tool for the experimentation and collection of new artistic and
cultural practices, as well as for the transfer and exchange of newly developed models between
creative and scientific professionals, policymakers, and, ultimately, all European citizens.